06/05/71 - 22/06/92

The special decoration of BapDada are the light of the eyes

Today, Baba the Jeweller is happy to see His jewels. He is seeing that each of you jewels is making effort according to your own capacity and moving forward. Do each of you know which jewel you are? How many varieties of jewels are there? (Eight types.) Which number jewel are you? Have you not become the same as a diamond whilst staying in the company of the Diamond? All of you are jewels, but the first is the jewel of the eyes, and so, are all of you not the jewels of the eyes? One is the jewel of the eyes, and the second is a jewel of the necklace. Do you know what the third stage is? The third are the jewels of the bracelet. The first number of all is the jewel of the eyes. Who can become that? Those who do not see anything except the Father through their eyes are the jewels of the eyes. Those who speak about knowledge through their lips are a little less than those of the first number you were told about. They always have the remembrance of the Father in their eyes, so that they only reveal the image of the Father, whereas these ones do service through their throat, and this is why they become part of the necklace. What is the speciality of the third number who are the jewels of the bracelet? They become helpers in one form or another, and so the result of being helpers is that they become the jewels of the bracelet. Each of you should ask yourself: Which jewel am I? Are you the first number, the second number or the third number? All of you are jewels, and all of you are BapDada's decoration. Now, tell Baba, which jewel are you? According to the signs you were just told about, are you those jewels who pass with honour?

Even amongst those in whom there is hope, there is still a number. So always keep in your consciousness that you are the jewels of BapDada's eyes, and so there cannot be anyone else merged in your eyes or in your vision. Whilst walking and moving around, whilst eating and drinking, what should be visible from your eyes? Baba's image and features. When you stay in such a stage, no one will ever complain. All the many different types of difficulties do distress you, and because of becoming distressed, you move away from your own honour. And because of moving away from your honour, you become distressed. If you become stabilised in the stage of your honour, you cannot be distressed. So what does it mean to be distressed? In order to finish all difficulties, stabilise yourself in the meaning of this word, (honour), that is, stabilise yourself in the stage of your honour. For maintaining your own honour, you constantly receive respect. This is why the two words are used together: honour and respect. Therefore, know your own honour. To the extent someone is stabilised in his honour, accordingly he receives respect.

Do you know your honour (pride)? How elevated is it? In a worldly way also, those who maintain their own honour never perform any actions that would be against their honour. Constantly remember your honour, and then your actions will also be elevated, and you will not be distressed either. So is this not an easy yukti to finish all difficulties? In order to finish anything negative (burai), sing Baba's praise (badai). Simply through an alteration of one accent, so much difference is created. You simply have to change that one accent Even a small child of five years can do this. Always continue to sing the praise of the greatness of the highest-on-high Father. The entire study (padai) is included in this. So, what happens by singing Baba's praise? All battling (ladai) finishes. You have become tired after battling with Maya for so long. When you sing Baba's praise, the battle does not cause tiredness. By your singing Baba's praise and staying in happiness, the battle seems like a game.

One enjoys oneself whilst playing games. So what would be the sign of those who consider battling to be a game? They remain happy. In no form can Maya ever attract those who constantly remain happy. So, in order to free yourself from the attraction of Maya, firstly, constantly maintain your state of honour. Secondly, consider Maya to be a game, and whilst playing the game, constantly remain happy. If you simply remember two things, every action will become a memorial. You experienced how Baba, in the corporeal form, made his every action a memorial. Remember two things so that each action of yours becomes a memorial: the image of support and the image of upliftment. If you remember both these things, then each action will become a memorial. If you constantly consider yourself to be the image of support for the transformation of the world, each action of yours will be evelated. Then, together with that, you will be able to be very generous, that is, by having beneficial feelings in your attitude and vision, each action of yours will be elevated. Therefore, perform each action so that it becomes worthy to be a memorial. Is it difficult to follow this? (A group was going to do museum service.) Fortune is always created through renunciation. Those who renounce something automatically receive a fortune. Therefore, those who have the greatest renunciation of all accumulate the greatest fortune of all. Therefore, you should go on service with happiness.

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